How To Fix VIA’s On-Time Problem.
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How To Fix VIA’s On-Time Problem.

 VIA Rail’s storied train #1, the Canadian, is always included on lists of the 10 or 20 best train rides in the world. And deservedly so. It’s certainly the best long-distance train ride in North America: superb scenery; classic rail cars, many of which have been beautifully refurbished; excellent on board service; and wonderful food….

More Photos Taken from VIA Rail’s Train #1

More Photos Taken from VIA Rail’s Train #1

(Click on the photos to enlarge.)  The Canadian normally spends 90 minutes or so in Jasper, unloading trash, restocking the dining car as may be needed, and washing the windows in anticipation of the spectacular scenery to come as the train heads deeper into the Canadian Rockies. Today, however, because we’re making up time from…