
Let’s Go to Bat for Passenger Trains.

Over the past couple of years, at least two or three dozen of you have either posted comments or emailed me directly expressing disapproval of the direction being taken by Amtrak’s president, Richard Anderson, and his management team. Specifically, you have objected to Anderson’s “quick fix” efforts to achieve break-even by ruthlessly cutting costs, adversely…

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Amtrak Nemesis Mica Is In Trouble.

Congressman John Mica (R-Florida) has made a political career out of bashing Amtrak, “America’s soviet-style railroad”. (Mica has been using that line for 20 years. He delivers it, then pauses and smirks, waiting for the audience reaction, which is usually a few polite titters.)    Most recently, Mica has been picking on Amtrak’s Food &…