Taking Stock on the 4th.
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Taking Stock on the 4th.

This seems like the appropriate day to consider where we’re at—as a nation, I mean—especially during a presidential election year.   So far, the campaign has been a monumental disappointment. We ought to be hearing intelligent discussion of real issues; instead, one candidate gives us political platitudes; the other bombast and bullshit, adhering to to…

My Top Three Reasons for Preferring Long-Distance Amtrak Travel.
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My Top Three Reasons for Preferring Long-Distance Amtrak Travel.

Most Americans focus on time when they travel … how long it takes to reach their destination. Here’s a conversation I’ve probably had a hundred times over the years when someone learns that I’ve just traveled halfway across the country by train: Them: Really?  By train? From L.A. to Chicago? Me: That’s right. Them: Wow!…