George Will Strikes Out Re: Amtrak.
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George Will Strikes Out Re: Amtrak.

There was a time when George Will wrote columns that were entertaining and made sense. Of course, those were the ones about baseball, a subject of which he has considerable knowledge. After a Will column that appeared a week ago, cleverly called “Off the Rails at Amtrak”, it’s quite clear that George Will knows next…

Definitions—Made to Order.
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Definitions—Made to Order.

 Every so often, something pops up out of government and you have to say, “Where the hell did that come from!”   A recent example: when the Surface Transportation Board proposed a rule change that could turn the world of passenger rail on its head. How and why requires a little background.   In 1970,…

Late Trains Cost Amtrak Big Bucks.
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Late Trains Cost Amtrak Big Bucks.

Back in 1970, when the private railroads were all desperate to get out of the money-losing passenger business, the federal government put together a deal: Amtrak was created to operate the passenger trains in the country and the freight railroads would be paid to accommodate Amtrak trains on their systems. In addition, the freight railroads…