Gus Hannemann Took Friendships Seriously.
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Gus Hannemann Took Friendships Seriously.

One of the unique aspects to Hawaii is our multi-racial society. It’s a fact that everyone living here is a member of a minority group. Among the many racial and ethnic groups living here are ethnic Samoans, some fairly recent arrivals from the American Samoa, the U.S. territory in the South Pacific, while others have…

Here a Shark, There a Shark, Everywhere a Shark Shark.

Here a Shark, There a Shark, Everywhere a Shark Shark.

This morning over coffee, my wife mentioned a conversation she had the other day with one of her lady friends. The woman, who is a relative newcomer to these islands, was saying that she loves snorkeling a couple of hundred yards out from the beach off Kihei on Maui’s south shore because that’s where the…