A Few Bad Apples on the Family Tree.
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A Few Bad Apples on the Family Tree.

Back in the middle of the 1800s, in an area vaguely referred to as “upstate New York”, but apparently near Utica, a criminal gang operated successfully and with near impunity for many years. Head of this crime family was a not-very-close relative of mine, George Washington Loomis.   Collectively, they were known as The Loomis…

A Few Tricks of the (Train Travel) Trade
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A Few Tricks of the (Train Travel) Trade

It’s interesting how often I’ve picked up tips from train travel veterans that make a long-distance train trip a little more comfortable or a little more convenient. For instance … Two small instead of one big Two people sharing a Superliner roomette often find it cramped and awkward for changing clothes. And climbing up into…