Here Come the Back-Stabbers. Why Are We Not Surprised!

This comes under the category of “Other Things.”

Remember how the health care industry made a big public show of promising to work with Obama to lower health care costs and reform the system?

Well, fuggedaboudit!

Check out the Crooks and Liars web site where there is a video clip of a TV spot put out by the health care industry – the first of many to come — knocking Obama’s plans for reform. The person looking into the camera is a crud by the name of Rick Scott, a pal and heavy contributor to George W. Bush and the former head of a hospital chain that was nailed for cheating Medicare out of millions of dollars.

Crooks and Liars has also published a list of the top ten highest paid CEOs in the health care field for last year. Number One is Ron Williams of Aetna (photo above) whose total compensation for the year came to more than 24 million bucks. And, in the meantime, my co-pay for a single office visit has gone up from $10 in 2007 to $24 this year.

What a bunch of slimy bastards! And how stupid are we to even consider their “arguments!”