Obama Wants Billions for High-Speed Rail
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Obama Wants Billions for High-Speed Rail

President Obama has stepped up and announced a major high-speed rail initiative that would allow the United States to begin catching up with most of the rest of the world. Given the times and the current emphasis on government deficits, it was a startling announcement: $53 billion to be spent over the next 10 years….

They May Be Doin’ It Right, But That Don’t Mean We Is Wrong!
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They May Be Doin’ It Right, But That Don’t Mean We Is Wrong!

High-speed rail lines are being opened and expanded all over the world. France, with its TGV network, has been the acknowledged leader for several decades, but other countries are rapidly catching up, the most notable being Spain which has now linked all major cities with a high-speed rail system. In China, trains on the high-speed…

Vive les … Well, You Know Who.
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Vive les … Well, You Know Who.

It was fashionable during the Bush years to denigrate the French, their unforgivable offense being to disagree with Dubya’s foreign policy. Congressional Republicans weren’t about to stand for that, of course, and they retaliated by changing the menus in the House and Senate dining rooms to read freedom fries instead of french fries. By golly,…