These Guys Would Have Been Against Electricity
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These Guys Would Have Been Against Electricity

On November 4th, Californians will vote on a $10 billion bond issue which, if passed, will finance an initial high-speed rail line linking Los Angeles and San Francisco. There are many reasons to support this proposition as well as high-speed rail generally. Since the estimated travel time between those two cities would be 2 ½…

A Missed Connection Can Mean BIG Problems
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A Missed Connection Can Mean BIG Problems

Transferring from one train to another is quick and easy in Europe. The last time we were in France, we had three-minute connection between trains. I think it was in Dijon. Three minutes! I was worried, but when we pulled into the station, the other train was waiting right across the platform. We made the…

Who’s Got the Fastest Train in the World?
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Who’s Got the Fastest Train in the World?

Most people would probably guess the bullet train in Japan or the TGV in France. Nope, the fastest train in the world is in China. It runs from Shanghai’s International Airport into Pudong where passengers can transfer to a subway that will take them into the center of Shanghai. The Chinese train runs at a…