Looking for a Different Destination? Think About Hungary.
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Looking for a Different Destination? Think About Hungary.

I’ve made two trips to Hungary and both were fascinating, although in a couple of very different ways. The first time was in the mid-1980s when Hungary was still in the Russian sphere. We were traveling there by train, and had our first taste of a repressive society at the Austro-Hungarian border. Armed soldiers entered…

Running Into Sox Fans … Everywhere!
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Running Into Sox Fans … Everywhere!

It happens all the time. Someone spots the distinctive “B”—it’s red, outlined in white—on my navy blue baseball cap and blurts out, “Hey! Go Sox!” And the next thing you know, I’m talking baseball with another Boston Red Sox fan. It happens everywhere. I’ve been greeted (or done the greeting) all over the U.S. and,…