Long-Distance Trains In Jeopardy.

Long-Distance Trains In Jeopardy.

As I guess most of us already know, the Trump budget for 2018 eliminates the federal subsidy for Amtrak’s long-distance trains. This doesn’t come from within the Trump Administration, of course. It’s right out of the Heritage Foundation’s playbook. That’s the Washington based libertarian “think tank” that opposes federal funding for pretty much everything, but…

How Best To Run the Government.  (Hint: NOT Like a Business.)

How Best To Run the Government. (Hint: NOT Like a Business.)

      With good reason, passenger train advocates are up in arms over the news that the Trump Administration’s budget zeros out federal funding for Amtrak. More specifically, it targets the long-distance trains.   Is it short-sighted? Yes. Does it mostly hurt the people in fly-over country who voted for Trump? Yes, again. But…

Trump Voters Get a Poke in the Eye.
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Trump Voters Get a Poke in the Eye.

When it comes to the serious problems we’re all facing—including one or two that are potentially catastrophic—the people now in positions of authority seem to have already forgotten who brung ‘em to the dance.  The Trump administration has submitted a budget to Congress that would zero out Amtrak’s subsidy and effectively end long-distance train service…