A Few More Thoughts About Russia and Siberia
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A Few More Thoughts About Russia and Siberia

Start to finish, there were a lot of surprises on this journey and there are a lot of little mental images that keep popping up. Some – not nearly enough, but some – I managed to photograph at the time. Here are a few, along with the impressions that remain. First, the traffic congestion in…

Day 13-18: Train from Moscow to Irkutsk in Siberia.
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Day 13-18: Train from Moscow to Irkutsk in Siberia.

Apologies going in. It’s been a week since the last post and I have just spent an hour downloading over 200 photos into the laptop (after weeding out an embarrassing number of dark, blurred, badly-framed, totally uninteresting or otherwise unworthy shots). It’s 10:30 p.m. here in Irkutsk and the relentless people running this train have…

Traveling Around the World … by Train!
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Traveling Around the World … by Train!

I’m in the final stages of planning what can legitimately be called a once-in-a-lifetime trip, built around a private train from Moscow, through Mongolia, to Beijing. I’ll spend a few days in Beijing, then take the train to Shanghai, flying home from there. But first I’ll fly from here to London and take the train…