Day 25-26: Through the Gobi Desert  to China
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Day 25-26: Through the Gobi Desert to China

So far, Mongolia has been the biggest surprise of this journey, perhaps even the highlight. And without question, the most exhilarating experience in Mongolia occurred when we attended a performance by the Mongolian National Orchestra. There were a few western instruments in the back rows, but almost all of the musicians were performing on traditional…

Who Says People Don’t Want High-Speed Rail??
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Who Says People Don’t Want High-Speed Rail??

As Congress persists in providing Amtrak with bare-bones support, the railroad struggles on, doing its best to keep old equipment running and all the while serving more and more people. This past May Amtrak carried 2.6 million passengers. It was the 19th consecutive month that ridership has increased and projections are for record numbers to…

Coming Up: The Ultimate Rail Journey
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Coming Up: The Ultimate Rail Journey

For most rail enthusiasts, the Trans-Siberian Express – covering 5,753 miles from St. Petersburg through Moscow to Vladivostok – is the ultimate train travel experience. It’s certainly been on my must-do list for years. In less than two months, I’ll be taking off for an extended rail journey and a version of the venerable Trans-Siberian…