Lunch in a Russian Dining Car.
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Lunch in a Russian Dining Car.

The recent posts about VIA Rail and the wonderful food offered on their premier train, The Canadian, started me thinking back to 2011 and my trip to Russia and quite a different dining experience. I went there to take a version of the trans-Siberian … meaning instead of the traditional route from Moscow to Vladivostok,…

Russian Train Stations: Some Pros, Some Cons
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Russian Train Stations: Some Pros, Some Cons

OK, enough about depressing politics and more about some of the railway stations I encountered on my recent train trip across Europe and Asia. In truth, most of the stations we passed through while traveling between major cities were pretty ordinary. Here’s a good example: the station in the town of Vyazma, a busy railway…

Day 9 – The High-Speed Sapsan … Isn’t.
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Day 9 – The High-Speed Sapsan … Isn’t.

Russia’s Sapsan trains linking Moscow and St. Petersburg sure look like high-speed trains – sleek and streamlined inside and out like the French TGV and the Eurostar, but the trip this morning to St. Petersburg was pretty ordinary, with – just my best guess – speeds topping out at 80 or perhaps 90 mph ……