100 Percent In Favor of Progress … But Not Yet.

100 Percent In Favor of Progress … But Not Yet.

Amtrak was created back in the early 70s because railroads operating at the time desperately wanted to get out of the passenger business. Why? Because the money was in freight and most passenger service was a money-losing proposition. So Congress created Amtrak because the lawmakers correctly felt that a national passenger rail system was a…

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Apparently It’s Time for a Disclaimer

From time to time, I’ve received comments and emails — not all favorable — about the posts that stray from “Travel” and “Trains” and wander off into “Other Things.” Sometimes I write about “Other Things” because there just isn’t enough stuff about travel or trains coming along to provide fodder for a daily post that’s…

Two Views on Suddenly Becoming President of the United States

“When they told me yesterday what had happened, I felt like the moon, the stars, and all the planets had fallen on me.” Harry Truman, to reporters after the death of Franklin RooseveltApril, 1945 —————————————————————————– “I’m ready.” Sarah Palin, to ABC’s Charles GibsonSeptember, 2008