These Guys Would Have Been Against Electricity
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These Guys Would Have Been Against Electricity

On November 4th, Californians will vote on a $10 billion bond issue which, if passed, will finance an initial high-speed rail line linking Los Angeles and San Francisco. There are many reasons to support this proposition as well as high-speed rail generally. Since the estimated travel time between those two cities would be 2 ½…

What Could I Have Done to Deserve This?

It’s taken almost eight years, but I no longer stifle a scream when our president says “noo-kew-lur” instead of “noo-clee-ur”. But now I must contemplate the possibility that we could have a vice president who not only says “noo-kew-lur”, but repeatedly uses “Awsome!” to describe anything new, different or interesting. Truly, I must have committed…

Back up a bit, Charlie. A little more. A little m …

Back up a bit, Charlie. A little more. A little m …

A few days ago in Fargo, North Dakota, three pals were walking along Main Street in the wee hours of the morning near the Fryn’ Pan Restaurant. Train tracks cross the street there and, with perfect timing, a freight train appeared just as the trio came up to the barrier. For some unfathomable reason, one…