Two Views on Suddenly Becoming President of the United States

“When they told me yesterday what had happened, I felt like the moon, the stars, and all the planets had fallen on me.”

Harry Truman, to reporters after the death of Franklin Roosevelt
April, 1945


“I’m ready.”

Sarah Palin, to ABC’s Charles Gibson
September, 2008


  1. What would have been the “right answer” for Governor Palin? Politically she couldn’t say much else. “You know, Charlie… I’m just not sure.” You see, Palin is a candidate, whereas in your example, Truman already had the job. Suppose Palin HAD expressed uncertainty or trepidation? How would that play on the nightly news? She may not have attended Punahou or Harvard, but give the lady some credit.

  2. Speaks to my earlier comment about the Age of Narcissism and “Me First”.

    Honesty & Modesty were a wonderful older couple. Now, may they rest in peace.

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