Zoom! Washington to Boston on Amtrak’s Acela.
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Zoom! Washington to Boston on Amtrak’s Acela.

Acela is what Amtrak calls their high-speed train that runs multiple times a day along what is known as the Northeast Corridor — Washington-New York-Boston. The Acela trainsets look pretty much like the French TGV (short for Train à Grande Vitesse, literally “high speed train”.) They’re modern and sleek and just look fast! But there…

Wisdom of Mark Twain is Lost on Anderson Cooper
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Wisdom of Mark Twain is Lost on Anderson Cooper

I came across the following quotation from Mark Twain the other day:  “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” Following those words of wisdom, I cannot resist pointing out that only…

Obama Wants Billions for High-Speed Rail
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Obama Wants Billions for High-Speed Rail

President Obama has stepped up and announced a major high-speed rail initiative that would allow the United States to begin catching up with most of the rest of the world. Given the times and the current emphasis on government deficits, it was a startling announcement: $53 billion to be spent over the next 10 years….