Are High-Speed Freight Trains in Our Future?
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Are High-Speed Freight Trains in Our Future?

Some interesting ideas were recently presented by Hunter Harrison, president and CEO of Canadian National Railway, who laid out his view of the future of freight rail in a speech to the Canada Maritime Conference. First of all, Harrison predicts that multiple mergers will create two mega railroads in place of today’s “Big Six”: Union…

Good Luck, Bad Luck, and the Right Kind of Luck

Good Luck, Bad Luck, and the Right Kind of Luck

In prior posts on the subject of grade crossing accidents, I’ve said that 100 percent of these accidents are preventable. I may have to revise that pronouncement, however, after reading about an incident that occurred yesterday in Centralia, Washington, south of Olympia. Picture this: The driver of a semi-trailer truck, which was hauling a second…