Impending Disaster Looms for Transit Projects

Impending Disaster Looms for Transit Projects

UPDATE: follow this link to hear brilliant and passionate criticism of this bill on the house floor by Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) .——————————————————————————-I have a couple more posts about a few of the railroad stations I passed through on my extensive rail journey last summer, but would like to interrupt that by sharing the following…

Uh-oh! The Inmates Are Loose in the Asylum Again!

Uh-oh! The Inmates Are Loose in the Asylum Again!

Sorry to interrupt my trip narrative, but I must report that House Republicans in Congress have recommended a budget reducing Amtrak’s annual subsidy to a level that would, in effect, ultimately force the railroad shutting down. The root of this idiocy is the Republican ideological obsession with the whole issue of a federal subsidy for…

Is That a Light at the End of Amtrak’s Tunnel?
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Is That a Light at the End of Amtrak’s Tunnel?

Amtrak turned 40 years old earlier this month, and of the several crosses our national rail passenger system has borne through all those years, by far the heaviest has to do with funding. Despite all the blathering you hear from the anti-government ideologues, Amtrak actually runs a lot closer to break even than any of…