John Mica, Professional Politician and Perennial Amtrak Basher.
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John Mica, Professional Politician and Perennial Amtrak Basher.

John Mica, a Republican congressman from Florida, has made a political career out of denigrating Amtrak. And he does it with a sneer. For instance, he always – and I mean always– refers to Amtrak as “America’s soviet-style railroad”.  He delivers the line, then pauses … waiting, with a smirk, for his audience to react….

Republican Voters Say YES to Amtrak.  But Will Republicans in Congress Listen?
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Republican Voters Say YES to Amtrak. But Will Republicans in Congress Listen?

It’s no secret that Republicans in Congress, egged on by conservative pundits like Michael Barone and libertarian “think tanks” like the Cato Institute, have been critical of Amtrak for years.  Their hot button is the annual subsidy Amtrak gets from the federal government. (They’re agin it.) Among transportation experts, however, it’s accepted as a certainty…

About Foxes and Hen Houses. And About Losing Important Things.
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About Foxes and Hen Houses. And About Losing Important Things.

Comes now the news that freshman Congressman Jeff Denham of California has been appointed chair of a key subcommittee of the House Transportation Committee … specifically the Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials subcommittee. Essentially, this is the guy in the U.S. House of Representatives who is responsible for oversight of America’s railroads. And this guy…