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Selling Amtrak a Different Way.

When it comes to supporting passenger trains and, in particular, supporting Amtrak, the more I see and hear of our elected officials, the more it seems that the pro-rail people might be better off giving greater emphasis to another pro-rail argument.  The fact is, a lot of the elected officials—when it comes to Amtrak—don’t have…

Hello? HELLO?? The GOP Pols Aren’t Listening!
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Hello? HELLO?? The GOP Pols Aren’t Listening!

When I read about efforts by Republicans in Congress to reduce Amtrak’s pitifully small subsidy, or hear Mitt Romney promise to eliminate it entirely, I can’t help wondering what they’re thinking! They sure as hell aren’t listening to their constituents, because all across the country, in any number of different areas, people – the traveling…