Double the Frequency; Triple the Ridership.
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Double the Frequency; Triple the Ridership.

That’s an old railroad adage that’s proven true over many years. It’s also what’s behind a plan that’s been put forward by the Midwest High-Speed RailAssociation. The person most responsible for this study and plan is Rick Harnish, executive director of the MHSRA and, not coincidentally, a member of the NARP* board of directors. Essentially,…

Observations from My Westward Journey Cross Country.
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Observations from My Westward Journey Cross Country.

The ride from Boston to Chicago on the Lake Shore Limited is a pleasant one, through Springfield and then across the Berkshires. The trees have begun to leaf out and the air is fragrant with the scent of blossoms. This train usually runs full and is very popular because of convenient departure and arrival times,…