Smarter Food Service for Amtrak.

Smarter Food Service for Amtrak.

by Matt Melzer   Dining by rail has always been an expensive, logistically complex endeavor, with heavy labor and supply costs not seen in normal restaurants. Amtrak’s periodic corner-cutting experiments have usually backfired and caused them to revert to the bedrock principle that food service is a loss leader that differentiates trains from other travel…

The ‘Contemporary Dining’ Decision.

The ‘Contemporary Dining’ Decision.

A couple of weeks ago, RPA President and CEO Jim Mathews had a lengthy sit-down with two key Amtrak executives: the President and CEO, Richard Anderson (below) and Chief Commercial Officer Stephen Gardner. Gardner, by th way, is supposedly leading the faction within Amtrak’s top management proposing to do away with the long-distance trains.  …