Some Advice for Amtrak’s Boss.

Some Advice for Amtrak’s Boss.

Richard Anderson President and CEO National Railroad Passenger Corporation 60 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002   Dear Sir,   With respect, I can’t help but wonder if you truly believe in the Cut-Your-Way-to-Profitability approach as the way to save Amtrak’s national network.   In recent years, sleeping car passengers–your customers–have been told we had…

Trump Infrastructure Plan: A Big Con.

Trump Infrastructure Plan: A Big Con.

Over the past few days, there has been a lot of back-and-forth emailing among *RPA members and posts on Facebook all triggered by the Trump Administration’s much-ballyhooed trillion dollar infrastructure plan.   Wow! A trillion dollars! That’s a thousand billion! And that’s great, because this country’s infrastructure is in sad shape. We could blow through…

Maybe We Could Learn Something About Privatizing Rail from the Brits.
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Maybe We Could Learn Something About Privatizing Rail from the Brits.

Way back when Amtrak was still a new undertaking, a couple of the railroad’s higher-ups were “invited” to appear before Congress. So … how’s it going? Everyone knew that Amtrak was operating hand-to-mouth and in serious need of a continuing supply of federal dollars to keep the trains running. So of course they smiled and…