Trump Infrastructure Plan: A Big Con.

Trump Infrastructure Plan: A Big Con.

Over the past few days, there has been a lot of back-and-forth emailing among *RPA members and posts on Facebook all triggered by the Trump Administration’s much-ballyhooed trillion dollar infrastructure plan.   Wow! A trillion dollars! That’s a thousand billion! And that’s great, because this country’s infrastructure is in sad shape. We could blow through…

America’s New Priorities Laid Bare.
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America’s New Priorities Laid Bare.

President Trump’s budget has been announced and I’m sure most of you already know that it includes nothing—Zero! Zip! Nada!—for Amtrak’s long-distance trains and for a number of important transit projects.   Of course there is consternation among rail advocates. NARP is firing out emails to its 28,000 members urging all of us to call—not…

Politicians Aren’t Listening to the Traveling Public.

Politicians Aren’t Listening to the Traveling Public.

It’s interesting and frustrating that so many candidates for federal office continue to denigrate rail travel in general and Amtrak in particular. Makes you wonder how someone can aspire to serve the public while advocating the opposite of what the public is demanding. (In an effort to remain as non-partisan as possible, I am doing…