What Are They Thinking?

What Are They Thinking?

I don’t get into political discussions very often, although these days it’s almost impossible to avoid them. Still, it’s a fascinating subject, especially because we’re witnessing a phenomenon that I have a hard time understanding: people voting against their own best interests.   For instance, some women vote for politicians who won’t support an equal…


Amtrak Survives 1st Budget Draft.

As mentioned here, and has been reported in the national media, the Trump budget as submitted to Congress was pretty much drafted by the very conservative libertarian “think tank”, the Heritage Foundation. These are the people who are against virtually every function of the federal government. Especially regulation. And taxes. And pretty much anything that…

NARP Meetings Over; Boston Next.

NARP Meetings Over; Boston Next.

Three days of NARP meetings here in Washington have concluded and the main topic of conversation today was about the almost universal reaction to yesterday’s Day on the Hill when we all made the rounds of the several House and Senate office buildings. Armed with printed “leave-behinds” outlining NARP’s position on topics relating to passenger…