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Selling Amtrak a Different Way.

When it comes to supporting passenger trains and, in particular, supporting Amtrak, the more I see and hear of our elected officials, the more it seems that the pro-rail people might be better off giving greater emphasis to another pro-rail argument.  The fact is, a lot of the elected officials—when it comes to Amtrak—don’t have…

There Are No Strangers On a Train.
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There Are No Strangers On a Train.

People know that I’m into train travel and the subject invariably comes up when I’m in conversation with someone. For example,,my dentist/friend will be attending a conference in Chicago later this year and he’s actually thinking about taking the California Zephyr from there back to the West Coast. And good for him!  The other day,…

Hello? HELLO?? The GOP Pols Aren’t Listening!
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Hello? HELLO?? The GOP Pols Aren’t Listening!

When I read about efforts by Republicans in Congress to reduce Amtrak’s pitifully small subsidy, or hear Mitt Romney promise to eliminate it entirely, I can’t help wondering what they’re thinking! They sure as hell aren’t listening to their constituents, because all across the country, in any number of different areas, people – the traveling…