Are High-Speed Freight Trains in Our Future?
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Are High-Speed Freight Trains in Our Future?

Some interesting ideas were recently presented by Hunter Harrison, president and CEO of Canadian National Railway, who laid out his view of the future of freight rail in a speech to the Canada Maritime Conference. First of all, Harrison predicts that multiple mergers will create two mega railroads in place of today’s “Big Six”: Union…

Italian High-Speed Rail Competes For All Travelers

Italian High-Speed Rail Competes For All Travelers

Italy plans to introduce high-speed rail service between Milan and Rome next year, reducing the 360-mile trip to a flat three hours … that’s an average speed of 120 mph, including whatever stops will be made en route. The Italian state railway, Trenitalia, says they expect to take 60 percent of all traffic between those…

Kawasaki Is Developing a New High Speed Train

Kawasaki Is Developing a New High Speed Train

That’s the good news. The bad news is that this only means the U.S. will have even more catching up to do! All that grumbling notwithstanding, the new train will be quite special. The Kawasaki people are referring to it as the efSET, short for Environmentally Friendly Super Express Train, and they have high hopes…

Obama and McCain and Where They Stand On Rail
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Obama and McCain and Where They Stand On Rail

A couple of days ago, USA Today published a story by writer Bill McGee that’s a comprehensive review of where John McCain and Barack Obama stand on transportation issues … specifically on that segment of the industry that affects the traveling public. As I have mentioned on prior occasions, McCain has been an implacable foe…