
Outlaw Visitors Get “Free” Housing.

It’s 2500 miles from here to the U.S.mainland . . . and that’s just to California. It’s another 2,000–3,000 miles to mainland cities in the mid-west and on the east coast. Our governor, David Ige, has issued orders that visitors arriving here will be quarantined for 14 days . . . and that means confined to their hotel rooms.

It’s probably not surprising that many arriving tourists don’t believe that the governor really means it. Surprise! He does. Local newspapers have stories every day about people who are apprehended lounging on the beach or wandering among the shops in Waikiki .

The first time they’re caught violating their quarantine, they are lectured and returned to their hotel rooms—note: not to their hotel, to their hotel rooms—and admonished to stay there. Still there are those who don’t get the message.

At last count, there where more than 30 people sitting in various jail cells around the state after being picked up a second time. Many of these folks were caught because they had been posting reports of their “vacation” activities on Facebook and—Guess what?—there is an informal group of people here who monitor the internet, noting Facebook pages and email messages informing relatives on the mainland what the scofflaws are doing and where they’re going. It’s a productive way to spend time waiting for this damned virus to go away!

In the meantime, I’m going through more than a dozen years of postings on this blog and have decided to take 30 of the better ones, being careful to be sure there’s a good mix of subject matter, with some occasional opinions added for spice . . . and turn it all into a book. So far I’m quite pleased with how it’s turning out. I’ll keep everyone informed.

In the meantime, stay safe . . . and stay away from here for the time being.


    1. Got to do something to pass the time since my wife and daughter won’t allow off the property!

  1. I’m not sure if you are aware, but the last few words on each line of your blog posts are cut off and outside of the margin. Not just this post, but prior ones too. I am reading this on an iPad and have tried Chrome and Safari browsers.

    1. Many thanks for letting me know. There have been a couple of occasions when I have noticed
      exactly what you describe and I watch for it when posting. I immediately checked this morning as soon as I received your email, using both Chrome and Safari, and it looks fine. Very frustrating! I’ll consult the local expert first thing this morning. Very good of you to take the trouble. Mahalo!

    1. A generous offer, indeed. I already have one, however. She also comes at no charge and if I know what’s good for me . . .

        1. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it! As I understand it, the State had made an effort to get the airlines to tell people about this before they get on the plane to come here. If that’s happening, I guess the tourists don’t believe it. Those in the slammer do, however.

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