
A Good-Deed-Doer Gets Yelled At.

My recent post about annoying Amtrak passengers prompted reader Mac Culver to email me with the following account of a recent experience he had aboard Train 4. It’s simply too good not to share.


I was recently in Bedroom A (no party wall) on the Southwest Chief to Chicago.  A young gentlemen (maybe 7 years old) was sitting on my couch when I got back from lunch.  Well, this is a pickle! 
He declared that he was tired of sitting in a coach seat (this was day 2) and thought he should have a bedroom.  I give him an “A” for moxie.  He also was intrigued with the tiny bathroom and integral shower.  He thought it was cool (and so do I). I contacted the car attendant and he started a “lost parent” search. 
The young man was enjoying one of my ice cold Pepsi’s when his irate mom arrived maybe half-hour later.  She yelled at me!  Why was her son here?  What is really happening?  He’s not allowed to have a sugary soda, who gave this to him?  Both the car attendant and I were standing there with our mouths agape.  She left in a huff threatening to speak to “Amtrak management.” 
I never saw her or that poor child again. No good deed goes unpunished [but] the car attendant and I both had a good laugh.
Mac Culver

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