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NARP Is On the Radio!

As covered in the previous post, the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act contains a brief paragraph directing the Secretary of Transportation to organize a Working Group to study the feasibility of bringing back passenger train service between Orlando and New Orleans.
on airProving once again that timing is everything, NARP has produced two 30-second public service radio spots which have been sent to more than 350 radio stations all across the southern tier of the U.S. The first spot calls for restoring rail service between Orlando and New Orleans. The second spot advocates increasing the Sunset Limited’s frequency from three days a week to a daily service.
Members of Congress representing districts through which the Sunset route passes are also being sent letters informing them that their constituents will be hearing these messages. A link to the two spots was also included for them.
And here’s the link for you. Once it opens, click on the arrow in the upper left and you’ll hear both spots.

One Comment

  1. Very good sounding public service announcements. Hope the campaign gets a lot of plays on stations.

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