Just a Bit More About Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK)

This guy …

… says the death penalty should apply to people who perform abortions.

… pushed for a law that would give doctors the right to demand an HIV test before they treat a patient, and

… would allow insurance companies to demand an HIV test before issuing a policy.

… tried to block a bill recognizing the 100th birthday of Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring, saying her book promoted “junk science.”

… complained that Silent Spring led to the unfair outlawing of insecticides such as DDT.

… said, “The gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power [in this country] …”

… also said, “[The gay] agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom that we face today.”

… was seen doing a crossword puzzle during the confirmation hearing for Supreme Count Chief Justice John Roberts.

… attacked NBC for airing the Oscar-winning film, Schindler’s List, calling it “irresponsible sexual behavior.”

And this is the guy …

… who’s holding up critical funding for Amtrak on a technicality because, he said yesterday, Amtrak’s food service operation loses money. (See previous post.)

There’s a lot more, but you get the picture. By the way, this guy is a medical doctor. Is that scary, or what!

One Comment

  1. It could be written off as taking principled stands until the use of the parliamentary technicality. That’s regrettably part of today’s Republican brand.

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