Holding On to the Real Hawaii for Dear Life … Mother Nature Permitting

Holding On to the Real Hawaii for Dear Life … Mother Nature Permitting

Those of us who have lived in Hawaii for more than a few years — for me, it will be 50 years in May of next year — can’t help bemoaning the relentless over-glamorizing of so many of the hotels here. As the renovations have added marble in the bathrooms and modern statuary and triple-tiered…

It’s Time to Think About Our Priorities

It’s Time to Think About Our Priorities

Update: This photo was taken on April 1, 1946, when a tsunami generated from an earthquake in the Aleutians struck the town of Hilo on the Island of Hawaii and killed 159 people.———————————————————————————-Apropos of today’s events, and coming from the perspective of someone who has gone through a number of tsunami events over the past…