
Don’t Put This Stuff In Checked Bags.

Charlie Leocha is a well-known and accomplished travel writer, but he’s also the founder of Travelers United, an organization that is an advocate for travelers. If you are already a dues-paying member of NARP, you’re automatically an Advocate Member of Travelers United. Click on this link for the details.   In the latest on-line edition…


Passengers Are Being Heard—Finally.

Charlie Laocha is the creator and president of Travelers United, the national advocacy organization for the traveling public. He testified recently before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, chaired by Congressman Frank LoBiando, a Republican from New Jersey. Charlie’s appearance was an encouraging sign because this committee usually hears testimony from CEOs of airlines and…

Where’s The Beef? Passengers Have a Right to Know.
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Where’s The Beef? Passengers Have a Right to Know.

(The narrative of my trans-continental train rides in Australia will continue next time.) A number of years ago, I was shopping in one of the Honolulu supermarkets and heard the following announcement over the store’s PA system: “Attention shoppers! For the next 15 minutes, our premium ground round, normally $2.49 a pound, will be on…