Need More Passengers? Run More Trains!
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Need More Passengers? Run More Trains!

This is about two of Amtrak’s long-distance trains, each one offering a fabulous ride through country that ranges from beautiful to stark, from interesting to spectacular. And each with something else in common.   The Cardinal (at Charlottesville, VA, Union Station, above) takes a leisurely southern route between Chicago and New York. It is, in…

Get Ready. More Passenger Trains May Be Coming!
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Get Ready. More Passenger Trains May Be Coming!

It takes a while to notice a groundswell. Gay marriage, for example. Just a few years ago, this was an issue no one discussed. Or, if they did, it was in opposition and with apoplexy. Suddenly, 60-some percent of the country says, “No problem.”   The same thing could be happening when it comes to…

“Double the Frequency; Triple the Ridership.”

“Double the Frequency; Triple the Ridership.”

I’ve mentioned this old railroad adage here on several occasions. It may seem too pat or an exaggeration, and certainly a lot depends on where the doubling of service occurs and what population centers are involved. But is it true?  OK, take Cincinnati, for example. There are almost 2.25 million people in the metropolitan area,…