Star-Meteor Fares Make Little Sense.
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Star-Meteor Fares Make Little Sense.

A relative of mine has just made a round trip on Amtrak from Washington to Florida and back. He took the Silver Meteor southbound and the Silver Star back. Understanding that his experience is just one person’s observation of just two train rides, his report is nevertheless interesting and begs further discussion.   On his…

The Silver Star’s Dining Car: Gone, But Not Forgotten.
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The Silver Star’s Dining Car: Gone, But Not Forgotten.

Well, it’s official: the dining car is gone from Amtrak’s Silver Star. Permanently. Is anyone actually surprised?   I haven’t seen any public announcement yet, but the word started going out to Amtrak employees two days ago.   The official if cryptic notice originated in an email from Mark Murphy, Amtrak’s General Manager for Long…