What’s Congress Got Against Passenger Trains?

What’s Congress Got Against Passenger Trains?

People who are into railroading are still discussing the accident in Hoboken yesterday. Much of the talk is about New Jersey Transit’s asking for and apparently getting official permission to exempt the Hoboken station from installing PTC.   Interestingly, there have been conflicting statements as to whether or not PTC would have prevented the accident….

Congress: “Do It … But On Your Dime.”
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Congress: “Do It … But On Your Dime.”

Several years ago, following a deadly collision in California, Congress directed the nation’s railroads to install a safety system known as PTC (Positive Train Control). It uses global positioning and computer technology to prevent such accidents, but it’s costing many billions of dollars. The federal mandate also applied to Amtrak for its track along the…

Murdoch’s WSJ Doesn’t Like PTC.
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Murdoch’s WSJ Doesn’t Like PTC.

It may simply be my instinct to look for ulterior motives whenever Rupert Murdoch’s fingers touch anything, but I do believe the venerable Wall Street Journal has slid farther to the right since Murdoch acquired it. Bolstering that view, I’ve come across a recent article in the WSJ relating to passenger rail which included information…