Houston, We’ve Got a Problem.
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Houston, We’ve Got a Problem.

The Northeast Corridor is by far Amtrak’s busiest route, with dozens of trains a day running between Washington and New York City with many continuing up to Boston. Politicians and the media keep saying Amtrak makes a profit on the NEC but, according to a lot of smart people, that’s B.S. They say Amtrak’s accounting…

Taking Stock on the 4th.
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Taking Stock on the 4th.

This seems like the appropriate day to consider where we’re at—as a nation, I mean—especially during a presidential election year.   So far, the campaign has been a monumental disappointment. We ought to be hearing intelligent discussion of real issues; instead, one candidate gives us political platitudes; the other bombast and bullshit, adhering to to…

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Amtrak: Problems, But Few Solutions.

I was thinking about Amtrak earlier today and about all the problems they’re facing … problems with solutions not immediately apparent. Consider the following: Amtrak is under a mandate from a meddling Congress to break even on their food service within five years. But degrading the food service will reduce ridership and, in turn, mean…