Long-Distance Trains In Jeopardy.

Long-Distance Trains In Jeopardy.

As I guess most of us already know, the Trump budget for 2018 eliminates the federal subsidy for Amtrak’s long-distance trains. This doesn’t come from within the Trump Administration, of course. It’s right out of the Heritage Foundation’s playbook. That’s the Washington based libertarian “think tank” that opposes federal funding for pretty much everything, but…

Libertarians: Always Ready to “Help”.
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Libertarians: Always Ready to “Help”.

OK, so tomorrow is the big day. And starting first thing Monday morning, it’ll be a whole new ballgame. The truth is, no one has the foggiest idea what to expect. Passenger rail advocates have been nervously staring into space for weeks with little if any clue what the Trump administration is thinking, let along…

These anti-Amtrak People Have No Shame.
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These anti-Amtrak People Have No Shame.

I really get fed up with the libertarian ideologues who relentlessly pound away at Amtrak. Their shorts are perpetually in a knot because Amtrak receives an annual subsidy from the federal government. Well, OK … if that’s their problem, let them make the best case they can for doing away with that meager government support….