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How to Cope with Trains Running Late

I’ve been told — and I believe it — that the question most frequently asked by Amtrak passengers is “Why are we stopped?” Veteran rail travelers know that Amtrak trains often run late. Sometimes very late. That’s especially true for long-distance trains because they operate on track owned and controlled by the freight railroads. Those…

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Packing Tips … Ones I Learned the Hard Way

I think it was Rick Steves who said, “There are only two kinds of tourists: Those traveling light and those who wish they were.” He’s dead right and I now travel with one small carry-on suitcase and a small zippered canvas bag that fits under my seat on the plane. Traveling with fewer, smaller bags…


Unfortunate News

This morning’s newspaper contained word that Aloha Airlines has gone into bankrupcy. For background, see my earlier post: A Bizarre Development in Hawaii’s Airline War . This does not necessarily mean Aloha’s demise — they have been in and out of Chapter 11 before — but it can be considered another step forward in Mesa…