Where’s The Beef? Passengers Have a Right to Know.
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Where’s The Beef? Passengers Have a Right to Know.

(The narrative of my trans-continental train rides in Australia will continue next time.) A number of years ago, I was shopping in one of the Honolulu supermarkets and heard the following announcement over the store’s PA system: “Attention shoppers! For the next 15 minutes, our premium ground round, normally $2.49 a pound, will be on…

The Cheapest Way to Go? Sorry, You Can’t Get There From Here.
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The Cheapest Way to Go? Sorry, You Can’t Get There From Here.

I’m working out the details of another European trip and determining the most cost efficient way to get there and back is very frustrating … difficult and maybe even impossible. Obviously, along with hundreds of thousands of other folks, I’m trying to get there with a minimum of layovers and I want to pay for…

Paying for First Class Travel – One Way or Another.

Paying for First Class Travel – One Way or Another.

Once upon a time, flying was an adventure … was even fun. Not any more. People still fly, but they don’t like it. I was thinking about that on the 5-plus-hour American Airlines flight yesterday from Los Angeles bringing me home to Maui. Having to go through security is the first thing people complain about…