My List of Personal Bests/Mosts.

Granted, it’s all subjective, but I thought it would be interesting if I rummaged around in my memory for the places and events visited or experienced over the years in my travels. So here is the first batch . . . in no special order.

Best Weather

Right here in Hawaii, although I think it was better 50 years ago. Hurricanes are more of a problem now, thanks to global warming.

Most Misjudged

The French. They are not rude, unless you’re part of a busload of American tourists in shorts and sneakers and baseball caps crowding into their favorite bistro.

Most Exciting

Seeing polar bears in the wild near the town of Churchill on the shores of Hudson Bay in northern Manitoba.

Best View

Almost anywhere along the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona.


Losing an engine on a PanAm flight from Guam to Honolulu.

Most Awesome

The War Room—the underground room from which Churchill directed British forces in WW2

Most Moving

Pointe du Hoc, the 100-foot high cliff on the Normandy coast, scaled by American troops on D-Day using grappling hooks and aluminum ladders in the face of German resistance. 

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