To Pack or Not to Pack!

“There are only two kinds of travelers: those who are traveling light and those who wish they were.”

Travel guru Rick Steves said that. I have used this quote before and I have no doubt that I will do it again. Because he nailed it!

Over-packing is the most common mistake travelers make. Make it a rule: Man or woman, pack only the things you’ll need for six days. Everything should be washable and quick drying.

When flying, the following items should be carried in a back pack or shoulder bag and never left in a checked bag:

  • your laptop 
  • your passport
  • other original travel documents
  • all prescription medications 

Once your plane lands and while you’re touring, it’s OK to transport your laptop and the main supply of medications in your suitcase . . . but only if you don’t have to check it.

Always have with you and in a safe place, a color photocopy of the page in your passport with your photo.

This is not a legal substitute of the corresponding page in your actual passport, but it will probably be sufficient to convince authorities that you do have a valid passport and are who you say you are.

And, finally, if you have a serious medical issue that could be a problem somewhere along the way, ask your doctor to write a brief summary of your condition that would be helpful should you need medical attention while traveling.


  1. Great tip about the copy of the passport. It will also help the US embassy’s effort to replace it. Also, I have had coronary bypass surgery so I also keep a copy of the operative report just in case. Happy travels.

    1. You’re right! I will add “brief description of any relevant medical history” to the list.

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