
It’s Time . . .

Seven or eight years ago, I was generating a new post here almost every day. How times change! The most recent one went up on September 5th, eleven days ago. Clearly, I’m running out of steam.

And there’s something else.

Compared to eight or ten years ago, it’s been taking me a lot longer to come up with copy of acceptable quality for one of these posts. More and more I’ve had to work at finding just the right word or phrase to finish a sentence or complete a thought. It’s been frustrating, as you can imagine.

Of course I have complained about it to my doctor. “There’s nothing wrong with you,” he said, “that being 60 again wouldn’t fix.”  Well, hell … I already knew that! His intent, of course, was to help me bring things into focus.

I’m not sure how often I’ll be posting here in the months ahead. I guess it will depend on whether or not I  have something worth saying and if I can get it written and posted without spending hours endlessly fussing with it. Please do check back every so often.

In the meantime, it’s clear to me that through this insignificant little blog, more than a few of us have become friends. And for that I am forever grateful.  


Haiku, Maui


  1. I see no posts on here since 2019. Just want to say that my husband and I are leaving in two days for our first long train trip. In the last ten days, I have read everything I could find about taking the train. Rode the train much as a child with my mom,always coach, but have not been on a train trip in about 60 years! My husband has NEVER been on a passenger trip on a train. The information on here is still relevant and very helpful. Hope you are still around to read this, Jim, because you have been a real help to these ancient beginners. Thank you so much. Let the journey begin!

  2. Jim, you are a brave man.
    To realize your encroaching limitations and to carry on.
    You have my continued admiration.

    1. Gee . . . the reality is that it’s just become too much work. Nothing at all “brave” about just not wanting to undertake the extra effort the blog is now requiring. But I do appreciate the kind and generous thoughts.

  3. Thank you, Jim, for all the great information you’ve shared across the years. You’ve had great influence on my Amtrak travel decisions, and I read everything you post. I am delighted that you plan to continue making new posts, albeit at a slower pace. Cheers!

  4. Thank you for all the effort put into your posts, and your quick and thoughtful answers to my posts/questions over the years. Most of all, thank you for being THE authority on U.S. rail travel. Wishing you health and continued success in all you do.

  5. Jim, your comments and insights will be greatly missed! I wish we had had a chance to spend more time together than just a quick greeting on a platform. Thank you for entertaining me and don’t forget to ride the trains in New Zealand.

    1. I very much appreciate the kind words, Drew . . . and, yes, our meeting on the platform was far too brief, but better than none at all, eh? No reason we can’t stay in touch. Cheers!

  6. Jim,
    Thanks for all of your sharing on this site and hope to continue to hear from you occasionally. Perhaps some better Amtrak news will serve as inspiration!

  7. You will be missed. You were a big part of my day and of my love for trains and train travel.

  8. I’ve enjoyed the blog, Jim! I hope you can find pleasure in the occasional future post. Best wishes for whatever your next endeavor brings!

  9. Hey Jim!
    I can’t say how much I’ve enjoyed your posts.
    Insightful / fun / and right on!
    We once met at an event in Denver and it was an honor!
    The days ahead for rail travel are still looking good, though not the way we had expected. Trains are part of the solution for climate change. The Swedes are right (flight shaming)
    Take care
    By the way, my son and I are taking our 11th annual father/son train trip – Kansas City to LA
    God bless you?

  10. I love traveling by train and had hoped to one day take another cross country trip in sleeper car. Thank you for sharing your travel experiences.

  11. May the road rise up to meet you,
    May the wind be always at your back
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    May the rain fall softly on your fields,
    And until we meet again; May God hold you in the hallow of his hand

  12. Jim thanks for this great blog on train travel and other topics. I appreciate your dedication to this site. I will continue to check back and reference your older articles. Again Thank You!

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