Big Brother Has Arrived.
Are you as sick as I am of the negative political ads on TV and radio? It didn’t used to be like this. For almost 40 years, the Federal Communications Commission had implemented and then enforced something called The Fairness Doctrine. It meant if a person or an issue were attacked on the public airwaves, that station or network would be required to provide free air time to that individual for a response.
But under Ronald Reagan, the Fairness Doctrine was repealed. The predictable result has been the emergence of people like Rush Limbaugh who can now go on the air and say almost anything about anybody with no realistic chance of any consequences and with no requirement that would allow the person being attacked to respond.
That’s bad, but this is worse:
Sinclair Broadcasting owns some 200 television stations in this country, including one in all of the major markets. Statistically, Sinclair stations can reach something like 70% of all the TV homes in the United States.
The ownership of Sinclair is politically conservative and periodically, the company’s corporate headquarters sends out scripts dealing with a current political issue to all their stations along with the notation that the local news anchors “must air” that script on a specific date. So in 200 cities around the country, all on the very same day, your own local TV newscaster, the person you believe to be a knowledgable and credible source of the truth, is actually reading a script approved by the conservative leadership of Sinclair Broadcasting.
Whatever our individual political beliefs—left, right or center—as a matter of principle, that should scare the living crap out of every one of us.
If nothing else, Trump has exposed the raw underbelly of dirty politics and it isn’t pretty. I watch very little television as I can’t stand news shows that forget to report the news and focus on their biased interpretation of same.
It just goes to show how far down the rabbit hole we have fallen.
Jim…. love and can’t wait for your train thoughts and insights… not interested in your politics I’m sure you realize if you disagree with Sinclair’s politics and methods you are free to not listen to their broadcasts.
At any rate enjoyed your last trip in particular the Canadian my all time favorite…
The thing is–and I truly mean this–I would be just as concerned if some wealthy liberal group had the capacity to dictate the editorial policy that went into half the TV homes in America. Right or left, it’s a terrible circumstance in which we find ourselves. And what could possibly be wrong with making sure opposing views can be heard? At any rate, may I say that your criticism is one of the kindest and most thoughtfully worded ever sent my way . . .for which I am most appreciative.
Understood and point taken… respectful…..
Jim, Agreed, maybe if the Fairness Doctrine was re-implemented, things might possibly be less tribal and then governing institutions could get back to doing the things they are supposed to be doing- like governing! Just a thought.
Yes! Exactly my point!