
DVR: Blessing or Curse?

My daughter thinks my wife and I should get a DVR.
That’s what you call the thing, isn’t it? It’s an electronic device you can set to record television programs that come on at an inconvenient time for you, so you can watch them at a time that is convenient.
The subject came up recently when we were all together for dinner at my daughter’s house and my wife and I said we would have to end the evening shortly because a program we wanted to watch was going to be on TV.
“You two need a DVR,” my daughter said. ”If you haven’t got one, TV rules your life.”
I pointed out that we had already been there for a couple of hours, had had a nice dinner, and it was time to go anyway.
My daughter shook her head. “If you had a DVR, you could set it to record that program automatically every week. Then you could watch it whenever you wanted to–later tonight or tomorrow afternoon or maybe even a month from now. But you wouldn’t be forced to run home right now just because it’s coming on in six minutes.”
Late this afternoon, we called our daughter and asked if she would like to come over for a glass of wine.
“I can’t,” she said, “I’ve fallen way behind on watching Game of Thrones. I’ve recorded four or five episodes and I haven’t watched any of them. And there are several other things waiting for me, too.”
See? That’s why I don’t want a DVR. If you’ve got one, TV rules your life.

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