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Siena: A City of Photo-Ops.

The internet connection is sluggish — that’s how to describe it when it’s performing at top speed — so I shall seize this opportunity to (try to) post several photos taken yesterday and today.
For whatever reason, I drew a room with an amazing view of the Tuscan countryside.
Streets in Siena run every which way and it’s easy–very easy– to get lost. When that happens, my best advice is to find a nearby shop selling gelato and ask directions.
The famous horserace will be happening in another 10 days or so and, as part of the festival, representatives from ten of the City’s districts entering horses march through the streets. I happened to stumble on a rehearsal.
Thje Piazza del Campo is the center of the old city and this is the site of the horserace. Sand is spread around the perimeter of the piazza to create the “racetrack” and a stout wooden fence to protect spectators is now being installed on the stone posts that run all around the piazza. The entire piazza will be filled with people for the event.
view-late in day
Siena–the old city, that is–is surrounded by a wall, still very much intact after so many centuries. I took this photo about ten minutes ago, with the sun perhaps an hour from setting in the west. It’s also part of the incredible view I have from my room.
Because of the very slow internet connection, I haven’t cropped any of the photos, although several could really be improved.

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