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The Spectacular Flåm Railway in Norway

As you may recall, I had a camera problem toward the end of my recent European trip … my laptop wouldn’t recognize my camera, which meant I couldn’t get my photos out of the camera to post them here. Turns out the cable connecting the two was faulty, so it was a mercifully cheap fix.

At any rate, I’m posting a few photos of my last few days in Norway, the highlight of which was taking the train from Oslo to Myrdal, where we – I was with a Norwegian couple I met two years ago – connected with the marvelous train that runs down and through the mountain to the town of Flåm.

Click on the photos to enlarge them and to fully appreciate how spectacular this place really is.

It’s an hour-long ride and includes some fairly steep grades. At one point, the train completes a full 180-degree turn inside the mountain.

About ten minutes into the ride down to Flåm, the train stops by this waterfall. All the passengers pour out onto a large wooden deck and take photos. It’s a lot of water and it cascades off the cliff and down the mountainside for more than 300 meters.

No caption needed, wouldn’t you agree? Well, maybe just … WOW!

After spending the night in Flåm – dinner was braised reindeer steak – we took a two-hour cruise on the fjord just as the morning mist was beginning to disappear. What can I say … amazing. These fjords were gouged out eons ago by glaciers and are very deep. This one, I was told, is 1,000 feet deep.


  1. I still have to go down to Flåm, but I have fond memories of my trip to Bergen, a couple of years ago. It was still early in year (March), but snow was shoulder high, and it’s a strange thought to go from sea level to 1200 m and back… But first Spain, Italy, and perhaps later next year, the USA and Canada.

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