Traveling in Grand Style … Behind Amtrak in Some                 ‘Private Varnish’.

Traveling in Grand Style … Behind Amtrak in Some ‘Private Varnish’.

Every so often, if you travel around the country by rail, you’ll see an Amtrak train with one or more classic rail cars coupled at the rear.  And when you do – Admit it! – you would give anything to get a look inside one of those beauties, let alone have the opportunity to actually…

Seeing the US in a Private Rail Car. Now That’s Doing It in Style!
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Seeing the US in a Private Rail Car. Now That’s Doing It in Style!

In railroad lingo, private varnish is the name used to describe classic old rail cars that have been refurbished and brought back to the luster of their glory days. There are more than a few people who do exactly that as a hobby. And make no mistake, it takes big bucks, not to mention hours…